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Big Data Write For Us – Contribute and Submit Guest Post

Big Data Write For Us delivers unique content focusing on Big data and analytics. They have superior articulating skills and want to share their thoughts.

Knowing how practical & much-needed guest posting is in the industry today, Venture Beat Blog has launched this “write for us Big Data” section on our website. We know you have much information about Big data and analytics that you want to share with people on the internet. Venture Beat Blog is the platform for you. Like you, we are eager to have you on our website. Just keep reading below to know about our guidelines so that you can write content suitable for our website & have maximum impact on our readers. Write for us + Venture Beat Blog and send them to our website email id:

Contribute as a Thought Leader

We’re looking for thought leaders who are passionate about Big data and analytics, have superior articulating skills, and want to share their thoughts on the following.

Defining and understanding business

What Is Big Data? A Definition

Basically, data collection and analysis itself is not new. It has always been, in effect, often unknowingly done. However, in the concept of big data, as the origin of the term suggests, it is precisely the magnitude of the phenomenon that makes the difference, the manual approach is improbable, and the use of technology based on mathematical statistics is complete. Moreover, it is desirable with computational support for information technology. Before getting into the benefits of the origin of big data, it is interesting to mention some definitions that make up an objective reference for constructing the meaning of a technology that only makes sense when applied.

Why Is Big Data Important?

So, in today’s information world, billions of people interact with interconnected devices that can acquire and store exponentially increasing amounts of data each day. Following many strategic directions, this data reveals critical behavioral aspects of a company. So, data analysis can help companies find helpful information and answers, reduce time and overhead costs, and develop new products. Optimize existing offers according to the needs of the target and generally get decision support no matter what process is interested in the interaction between the brand and its target audience.

So today, we have found numerous applications that can make big data an invaluable ally and implement continuous improvement strategies for companies that have decided to invest in analysis. But, now let’s see which core business areas enjoy the potential benefits of a conscious extensive data analysis and a strategical, data-driven approach to core activity. Let’s do it.

How Big Data Is Used (Big Data Analytics)

When companies embark on a digital transformation path using a consciously implemented data-driven approach. They can add real value to processes such as:

  1. Reduce the costs of operations;
  2. Reduce the time to market new products and services;
  3. Increase customer engagement;
  4. Retain and make customers more profitable;
  5. Identify unique needs and business plans to conquer them;
  6. Increase your sales

So, very good. Data-driven logic, described famously, is now something within reach of a child still lacking in technological knowledge. But how is it possible to put all this into practice starting from the available data? The management of Big Data is reflected in a series of methodologies, often used simultaneously to achieve specific objectives. It is a set of methods and techniques inspired by data science and artificial intelligence. But, it can analyze enormous complexity to make it simple and usable to support decisions and concrete operations. Thanks to these techniques, it is possible to benefit enormously from both structured and unstructured data analysis.

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Data-processing application software

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